On his extraordinary photo-expedition “Dreamtime Spirit 2010”, Patrick Loertscher visited the most fascinating desert areas of the Australian continent. Well equipped with a very robust 4×4 vehicle, a tent and more than 40 kg of camera gear, he travelled over two month in his Toyota Landcruiser through Central Australia and the vast Kimberleys. On a strech of more than 14000 km, he captured some of the most spectacular moments of the creation. “Sometimes, light and cloud spectacle were so brilliant, that I couldn’t believe it myself”, Patrick said.
To show the absolute best possible reproduction of a landscape in a big format, the professional used an analogue Linhof panoramic camera with an exposure format of 17 x 6 cm on this journey. This technology allows him to capture the time and the moment in his perfect sharpness, its detail, its precision and its transience.
“Borders are there to be crossed, as well as my experience in the Simpson Desert. To me, an image is the moment in which life is captured. My aim is that the beholder should be able to travel in a moment of silence to that natural phenomenon, that I especially captured for him/her”, the photographer emphasizes. An example thereof is his risky solo effort to the remote Simpson Desert. Also, not even the flooding of a century could stop Patrick from travelling there. Under the most extreme conditions he felt the urge to travel with his 4×4 to the reddest sand dunes on this planet. Equippment and photographer were included on its most utter limits.